Social media is a red hot marketing tool and you better believe that it changes very quickly. It’s tempting to jump in with every trick out there to gain attention, but the truth is that some consistency is what will make the longer lasting impression on your clients. By all means, stay current and on the cutting edge, but never neglect the basics of establishing relationships through social media venues. Read on here for some insights on how to weave your way through the process.

Always remember that social media is very different from your standard business website. The whole point of having a separate page is to put your business in a more casual, interactive environment. This means that you must represent your entity in a way that equates to being a person. This doesn’t mean you have to reveal your personal life or drag your family into the equation, but you do need to interact on your pages as though you are speaking as a person rather than a faceless business.

Your own posts are important, but so are the ones that your clients take the time to write. Always respond to these posts, even if it is just a couple of lines. Keep the conversation positive and provide answers to any concerns. If they ask for in-depth information, direct them straight to places on your business website where they can get this. Don’t take up too much space on your social media pages for long posts that others may not be interested in.

Don’t expect to be an overnight sensation on Facebook or Twitter. It takes time to build contacts and relationships in the real world, and this holds true for the Internet as well. Be consistent and open, and build upon each contact that you get. Provide incentives for passing along links and for “liking” your page on Facebook.

Get your name out there as often as you can, even if it means visiting social media sites of your competitors. There is nothing wrong with looking for new clients in this way. Pay attention to who is posting more often and interacting on their pages, and consider sending them invitations to visit your own page.

Make sure visitors to your site know how competent and successful you are in your field, but keep it factual and avoid sounding like you are self-promoting. Never exaggerate, but don’t be afraid to tell people why you are the best person to provide them with what they need or want. Being humble is a good trait as long as you do not miss opportunities to establish yourself as an expert and the one to go to when it’s time to buy what you are selling.

Keep a high visibility via social media and use this marketing tool with great precision. Use the ideas here to strike that balance between professionalism and congeniality, and you will very likely see long lasting relationships that provide a steady customer base.