How To Create An Email Marketing Campaign That Delivers Results

Consumers are inundated with emails everyday. They often spend no more than a few seconds scanning a subject line and deciding whether or not the email is worth reading. If you want to implement an email marketing campaign, you will need to make sure that your emails capture your customers’ attention right away. The subject line will need to create a good first impression so the recipient will want to open the email to read more. This article describes some suggestions on how you can improve the quality of your emails and make your campaign more effective.

You should start your email by greeting each recipient by name. This can often be done easily by a function in your email list program that can populate the greeting field with the first names of your email recipients. A personal email greeting has better chance in capturing the recipient’s attention than a greeting that is generic. Any personal touches that you can add to an email will give it a better chance of being read.

When you offer your customers the chance to subscribe, offer them several selections of frequency. Some people like to receive daily emails if your subject area is of high interest to them. Others may choose a less frequent interval, like weekly or monthly. Giving your subscribers these options will make them feel more in control of their subscription. Make it easy for them to change their selection if they decide another choice would be more appropriate.

Also in your subscription form, offer selections on what type of communications that the recipient wishes to receive. For instance, some people are just interested in promotional discounts and deals, while others may want more news updates and other information that is useful to various parts of their lives. Giving your recipients selections to choose from is another way of making them feel in control.

Do not forget to give subscribers the option to opt-out. Sometimes people just want to reduce the amount of emails that they get. Opting out of emails is one way to address this issue. This does not necessary mean that your emails are ineffective. It just means that for this particular recipient, circumstances have changed and your emails are not longer relevant to him. When a subscriber unsubscribes, send out an auto-responder thanking the recipient for trying out your service and confirm that his email will be removed from your list.

Sometimes legitimate emails end up in the junk folder because the recipient set his email filter at a high level. One way around this is to remind your subscribers to add your email address to their “safe list”. This will ensure that your emails do not end up in the junk folder.

Encourage your current subscribers to refer their friends so they can also get in on the exclusive discounts. This is a great method of expanding your subscriber base. Send a thank you note along with a discount to the subscriber who made the referral.

You need to keep your email quality high in order to preserve your place in your subscribers’ email box. Cultivate your email campaign, and you will see the results that you desire.