Mobile marketing is quickly growing in popularity as more and more people choose to use smart phones as their preferred mode of communication. They can talk, text, email, browse the web, play games and so much more on their cell phones. If you have thought about mobile marketing, but you still haven’t made the final decision to jump in, you are missing out on all this wonderful marketing technique has to offer. So, what can you do with mobile marketing? The following article contains just some of your options when it comes to promoting your business via mobile devices.

1. Text messaging
If you want to send out text messages, you can now communicate with your audience in a way like never before. You can send texts out for various reasons. Do you have a sale coming up? Let your customers know about it and then remind them as the time gets closer. Is there a special product you have coming in that many of your customers have been waiting for? Send out a special text to your customers. You can also send out any other news about your company that you feel is relevant to your subscribers.

Another good thing you can send out via text messages is coupons or special offers. As a reward for signing up to receive texts from you, periodically send out coupons or other great deals for your customers to utilize. Make sure you make these special deals only available to those who have the text on their phone and subscribe to your service. Your customers will appreciate this special attention you are paying to them.

2. Emails
Just like texts, you can send out emails to your customers. Many people read their emails on their phones and you can share useful information this way, too. Email is a little bit more effective when you are sending out a lot of information or pictures.

3. Reward system
Do you want to reward your customers? Who doesn’t love rewards? The way you set up your reward system will depend on what you sale or offer. You may choose to reward your customers for the items they purchase. For instance, if they buy ten, they can get the next one free. Another option is to reward them by the amount of money they spend. Let’s say they spend $100, you can then give them a coupon for 20% off their next purchase. Rewards are a great way to get customers in your store spending money. Using smart phones is a great way to keep up with this. They can check in when they make a purchase and keep up with purchases that way, kind of like a mobile punch card.

In reality, there are many different ways you can use mobile marketing to help your business. You will need to discover what works best for you and your customers and then you can be successful with this type of marketing. Try out the tips shared here and you’ve got a great start.