Your mobile marketing campaign will be successful if you focus on efficient strategies. Keep reading to learn more about common mobile marketing mistakes you need to avoid.

Do not assume all your customers will be able to access the content you share on your mobile site or in your apps. Customers who feel excluded will more than likely subscribe to your competitors’ mobile marketing campaigns. Make your content available in different formats including text alerts since this will be the only format accessible to everyone. Do some research on your audience to find out what kind of features they have access to with their mobiles and the plans they subscribe to.

Your campaign will not go anywhere if you do not establish some precise goals. You could plan on using your campaign to launch a new product or get people to enter a contest. Establish a timeline and some goals on a weekly or monthly basis and monitor your results to assess the impact of your campaign. If you are not getting the results you expected, get some feedback from your audience and try finding a new approach for your campaign.

Your mobile marketing campaign should not be separated from your other marketing campaigns, even if the medium of communication is different. You could draw attention to your mobile marketing campaign by placing a subscription form for your text alerts on your site or blog. You should also look for ways to connect your mobile marketing campaign with your social media presence since a lot of people have access to social networks on their cell phones. Email marketing should also be connected with your mobile marketing campaign since some mobile phones allow users to check their emails.

Do not share content that is not useful or valuable. Keep in mind that your average customer will not appreciate receiving a text alert that does not contain a coupon code or some exclusive information about your newest product. It is best not to share anything if you do not have any valuable information to share. You could for instance focus on updating your blog and your social network and use mobile marketing when you want to promote a discount or a contest.

Your mobile marketing campaign should be designed to generate more sales. All the information you share should convey a sense of urgency to get people to order a product, redeem a discount or enter a contest right away. Your audience might be interested in reading articles on topics related to your industry, getting some useful tips and staying up to date with your new projects but not to the point of receiving text alerts for these updates. If an update is not directly related to a product or a discount, it should not be shared via mobile marketing.

Stay away from these five mobile marketing mistakes and focus on the strategies that work best with your audience. You should do more research on mobile marketing and give yourself enough time to attain your goals.