Email Marketing And The Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs

Everyone with a web based business should partake in email marketing. It can generate new customers, raise interest in the product or service you offer, and increase your revenue when done properly. However, when it is done haphazardly, it can result in negativity and actually a waste of time money and effort. This article will address the mistakes many make that leave your hard work ignored or sitting in somebody’s spam or trash.

The time that you actually send email to your clients or prospective customers is imperative to your success. Businesses and clients generally do not take email solicitation seriously when it comes in after midnight. They automatically assume it’s spam and ignore it. It is important to send emails to these individuals during regular working hours where they will more than likely glance over anything that arrives in their inbox. This is extremely important and should be adhered to if you want your email marketing campaigns to be successful.

The subject line is as important as the information you place in the body of the email. You want to catch their attention but do not want to have a spam filter catch you. Don’t place ridiculous keywords, like Viagra, that will automatically send it to the junk folder. You probably know the words that get you caught and if you don’t open your spam box and look at what is in there. It’s not tough to get by the filters just use some common sense and be honest about the subject without keywords you may use in a website as these often trigger the filters.

Having text copy is imperative in this technological age. Many people use tablets and phones to access emails and having one that has nothing but broken images will get the email deleted immediately. Make sure the email can be read if images are blocked by any email clients and your message will still be there to hook the interest of the customer.

Keep your emails on point and leave them wanting more information. People have hectic schedules today and a long-winded email will only turn them away. Make your point and give them the chance to learn more. They may not click the link immediately but they will when they have more time available. Your email should not be your selling tool. That is what your site is for. The email is a marketing tool to drive consumers to your service via interest in knowing more so don’t lay it all out in the email itself as it will be way too long and lose their interest in a few sentences.

People judge legitimacy by that simple unsubscribe at the bottom of an email. They feel comfort in knowing they can opt out of your marketing whether they want to or not. Make sure that you have a way for consumers to choose this option. It give you the reputation you desire and eases any fears they may have as to whether they are interested in finding out more about your service or product.

As you can see, there are some common mistakes that are quite easy to fix before your next email marketing campaign. You simply need to remember the purpose is to drive traffic and interest towards what you offer and not drive it away. Following the easy tips will ensure a successful campaign and generate revenue you certainly deserve for all of your hard work.