If your business is using social media marketing, you’re probably considering whether an Instagram presence is right for you. Use the tips below to determine whether Instagram could enhance your business’ social media marketing.

Instagram has a couple of things going for it, and the first is that it seems to technologically work well. For those with smartphones or other devices that provide them with access to Instagram, both using the app and having it work the way it should seems to go smoothly for many people.

Pay attention to the quality of your photographs in order to improve your business image from your Instagram efforts. As in the case of photographs used on all your marketing materials, professionalism is critical to maximizing the value you’ll get from your Instagram presence.

Clearly define the purpose for social media marketing using Instagram. Because it’s fairly new, you’ll be able to find Instagram marketing campaigns that seem to work well or don’t work well. Once you’ve observed some social media marketing uses of Instagram, drill down and list what goals the campaign achieves that you like.

Don’t duplicate marketing you’re doing elsewhere, such as reprinting pictures you’ve already posted elsewhere about products you sell or other aspects about your business. Instagram should enhance other marketing content you provide. For instance, if your website has pictures of menu items for your restaurant, Instagram could include pictures people submit of themselves enjoying a meal or interacting with your friendly staff.

Consider the downside of using specific options available on Instagram such as the Photo Map feature. This option provides your business with the opportunity to have its pictures mapped to a location. While you can remove specific pictures from your map, you also have the option of not selecting the mapping tool.

Remember that copyright laws still apply when you use Instagram so that you should be careful as to the source of your pictures as well as remain aware of how your photos are used. Instagram has many notices concerning ownership but essentially, if you find your photos being used by others you have to inform Instagram of the situation. There is a tool where you can search to see where else on Instagram your photos appear so that tracking potential copyright issues is made easier for your business.

Consider your hashtag for your photos as an opportunity to improve your branding presence. While Instagram provides for the use of generic hashtags for your photographs, in the same way that you choose keywords to express overall ideas in some of your internet content, the hashtag can also be used to help brand your business. Don’t be hasty about choosing a hashtag but instead consider it another piece of marketing content that can make it easier for people to find you and follow your business.

Instagram can help your social media marketing campaign through images. Use the tips above to determine whether Instagram can be a useful tool for getting the word out about your business.