How To Use Popular Social Media Sites For Marketing Your Business

Social media is a great tool to use to get your business noticed and gain a following. The only way to succeed in that is using each social media site the right way to communicate with your customers. Use the information below to understand the uses of different social networking websites so you can use them to your full advantage.

Facebook should be used to share information and product photos with your customers. It is a casual place that you can use to really show your brand’s personality. Share relevant news about your company using Facebook and if possible, offer samples, sweepstakes and other promotions on your page to attract page ‘likes’. However, it is still important to stay professional, especially when dealing with customer’s concerns. Remember that Facebook is all about communication, so it is important to reply to your customer’s posts on your page. This is true on any social site where there is open communication.

Twitter is a great place to share very brief messages with your followers. You can post links to news articles that are relevant to your service or product. You can also post links to sales you are having on your retail site, offers on your Facebook page or links to funny, but appropriate, YouTube videos.

Creating a blog for your company is also a good idea. You can get more in-depth with your messages on a blog than you can on Facebook or Twitter. Use a blog to share interesting company news, or news that relates to your industry. Keep the communication open by allowing comments on your blog posts and replying to them in a timely manner.

YouTube is also a great site to use if you have a tangible product or a service that you can show in a video. Create all sorts of videos using your products such as how-to videos, product demonstrations and other informational videos. Make your videos informative and useful for your customers and they will keep coming back to your channel, and possibly share your videos on other social marketing sites with their followers and friends.

There are quite a few other sites that are gaining attraction for social network marketing. Digg, Tumblr and Flickr are just a few examples of these sites. Even though these sites have less users than the ones listed above, it is important to check them out and see if they will work for your brand’s message. You should also stay informed, as the online world is always changing and new sites are gaining traction every day.

Using social media to market your product or service is easy enough, as long as you know all the correct venues for your different marketing messages. Use the information in the article above in order to determine what social marketing sites you can use to get your brand’s message across to customers from all walks of life. Good luck in all your social media marketing endeavors!