Social media marketing might be something that you know that you need to do, but it might also leave you banging your head against your desk. If you are short on ideas, then this article will assist you. The following paragraphs outline eight tactics that can bring you results in social media marketing.

1. Do not be Facebook-centric. There is certainly a case to be made for starting here, but do not neglect Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest.

2. When the holidays start approaching, have advice ready that readers can use to streamline their stress and to-do lists. Have ideas for budget shopping, entertaining guests and even travel tips. Readers will not care if your content does not directly relate to your products or services as long as it helps them.

3. Never assume that you are alone in your social media marketing efforts. Yes, you need to put great content on your blog, go through the search engine optimization and set up and update a suite of social media profiles. But, also do what you can to have your followers share your content. If an image with a watermark or an amusing video with your website address goes viral, you get free word of mouth advertising that costs you nothing.

4. Ask your fans to post pictures and images of Thanksgiving kitchen disasters. The amusing posts are going to range from Jell-O nightmares to broken dishes. Share the best image that makes you laugh hardest, and send them something cooking related as a prize.

5. When November approaches, have deals ready for both Black Friday and Cyber Monday, if both are applicable. Furthermore, have additional discounts ready for those among your social media followers that share or tweet your deals.

6. Let your current customers know that you are now active on social media. Let them know about your Facebook page and Twitter handle. Give out the address of your blog. Since they already do busines with you, they are probably going to follow your social media without any begging. Plus, you start getting exposure to their friends, who likely have similar needs and buying habits.

7. Eventually, someone in your company will make a mistake on a social media platform. Immediately step up and take ownership of the rogue tweet or Facebook mishap. Apologize and correct, but never try and fool anyone into thinking you were hacked. Your response and honesty can actually garner trust.

8. Remember that everyone alive loves winning a prize or freebie. Anytime you have a new product or service to roll out, give one away as part of a contest. The contest alone will get you some exposure, but the happy winner will be great word-of-mouth advertising. Use this excitement as a chance to make subscribers aware of all the wonderful benefits and solutions your new offering provides the problems in their lives.

Now that you have read these eight ideas, you have eight new things to try out in your social media marketing. Go through them one by one as occasion permits to try each one and see what the results are. Repeat the ones that work best for you, and alter the others to fit your personal circumstances.