Mobile marketing has grown exponentially in recent years, and it’s now one of the best ways to promote your business available. People are becoming increasingly attached to their cell phones as a primary method of interacting with the world, especially since the advent of smart phones. By using mobile marketing to promote your business, your are getting your message into a device that people use all day long. Read on to learn how to do this effectively.

In order to get an audience for your campaign, you will actually have to ask people to sign up. Cell phones are very personal, and any unsolicited text messages will be recognized as an invasion of privacy. Some customers will give out their name and phone number if you just ask. Many will need the deal sweetened with a small freebie item or coupon to get them to give up the goodies.

The best mobile marketing campaigns use discounts to draw people to buy thinking they are getting a great deal. By sending out an occasional limited-time, exclusive offer, not only will more people bite, they will feel good about it. You can also use this system to send out an occasional personal reminder to use any loyalty rewards program points they have accrued.

While most phones can now display pictures and video along with a simple text message, take great care in using these devices in your campaign. With so many phones out there, it is nearly impossible to create an ad that displays properly on every one, and some customers may even have to pay extra to receive a multimedia message. Instead, focus on the words you are going to use. By doing this you can ensure your message is clear and is not garbled by images that don’t display or take too long to load. Make your message short and precise, and avoid text lingo at all costs. Using it could confuse some customers and will irritate many. Just stick to short message about why customers should make a purchase, and maybe a link to your website where they can learn more.

You will also want to consider getting your website ready for smart phones. Many people now use this tiny device as their primary method of accessing the web. If your site is too bulky, or difficult to navigate on the small screen your business will loose potential mobile customers. There are several platforms out there currently, and you need to make sure your site displays properly on all of them. Having a great mobile site can give you a huge advantage over your competition.

Don’t get left behind in the tech revolution. Smart phones are going to be here to stay for years to come. Mobile marketing is just one of many new platforms that businesses need to embrace if they want to continue to be successful. The tips in this article should help you start brainstorming ways you can use mobile marketing to keep customers coming back time and again.