With more and more people using mobile devices to conduct daily business, many merchants are realizing that they can reach their target audience effectively through this channel. People are spending more time on their phones than on their personal computers. It makes sense that marketers take advantage of this opportunity to get across their marketing messages. This article has suggestions on how you can use mobile marketing to boost your business.

First, you have to have a website that is designed specifically for displaying on these hand-held devices. A website designed for a full-size computer is often too resource demanding for the average mobile device. Not only that, but the layout of full-size website will not fit on a small screen completely. The best thing to do is to design a mobile version of your website. The mobile version should be a much cleaning and basic design, based mostly on text. Limit your images to your company logo or to a image of a product that you are selling. Format the width of your display properly so your mobile visitor will not have to scroll horizontally to view the content. Speed and efficiency of page load is the key to a good mobile website. You can add additional code to your regular website so that it can detect a mobile browser and redirect the visitor to the mobile website.

If you have a list of subscribers to your text updates, avoid sending messages during a time when people are usually not up, like hours in the middle of the night. Messages that are sent too frequently or at odd hours tend to get ignored or deleted. So, do not waste your text messages because of poor timing. Send them out at time when people are probably on their phones, like during the morning or evening commute.

Offer an incentive to people for opting in to receive your mobile messages. An incentive can be a discount on a future purchase. Your mobile messages should be high in quality. This means it should contain information that mobile user find valuable. Announcements of promotions or discounts will usually attract a lot of attention. Offer the promotion for a limited time to motivate your mobile visitors to act quickly.

Make your messages short and to the point. Mobile uses scan their messages very quickly, so you have to capture their attention right off the bat. Use words and phrases that are good attention-getters, like “FREE” or “SPECIAL SALE”. Make good on your promotion by making it worth your visitors’ while.

With any opt-in arrangement, you should always offer an opt-out option. This actually gives people more confidence to opt-in, because they know that they are not committed to it once they sign up. It is the dread of getting stuck receiving messages forever that keep people from subscribing in the first place.

These mobile marketing ideas will improve the exposure of your business. Try these and other strategies, and you will soon see an improvement in number of visitors to your business.