Sometimes it feels like technology is simply moving too fast. Regardless of whether or not this is how you feel, if you do not try and keep up you will struggle to survive in an increasingly online marketplace. Mobile marketing is one of the new techniques that is being used to promote businesses on a national or even international scale. Even if you just want to send out offers to a few loyal customers, this article will help you learn what you need to know to get going with this new marketing method.

Mobile marketing can be broken down into two basic categories: mobile websites and apps designed to be used on newer smart phones, and SMS or MMS messaging that are simpler, but work on almost every cell phone out there. There are advantages to each type and you will need to know early on which type of ads you want to focus on. This is an important part of doing your research and staying up to date with new trends in this business. Just a few years ago no one knew what an “app” was, today they are a great way to get customers to interact with your business.

Text message marketing is one of the most common methods of mobile marketing used. There are some important aspects unique to this method you need to keep in mind. First, make sure that people are opting-in to receive messages. Cell phones are highly personal items, and your ad will feel like an invasion of their privacy if it is not welcome. Second, you will need to keep things to just a couple sentences. People will rarely scroll through a long sales pitch, so try to keep your message to just a quick introduction and a reason to shop. If you need to elaborate include a shortened link that people can go to to find out more. Make sure you are not sending out messages too often, or at odd times, to ensure the best reception possible.

If you do most of your business through your website then it is time to start considering a mobile version of your site. These are mini sites that have all the essentials of your main page without any fluff. they need to load quickly and be easy to navigate on a small screen. By accommodating your mobile customers you are giving them the same opportunity to comfortably browse your page as people on laptops and desktops. There are a lot of different mobile platforms out there, so be sure to include the coding to make the site work for each one. Don’t be afraid to get help from a pro if this is too difficult for you. It is better to spend a little and have a great mobile site than to have a cheaper site than only works on certain phones.

Mobile marketing is a great way to gain new customers and keep old ones. There are few other methods that allow you to become part of your customer’s daily lives. Use this new technology as a new opportunity, rather than seeing it as an insurmountable challenge.