Targeting new or existing clients with an email marketing campaign is one of the most cost-effective means of reaching them with information that is pertinent to their needs. If it is not done correctly, it can backfire on you in negative ways. The most important thing you can do is to make sure the emails you send out are relevant, as well as appropriate for the intended audience. Get some ideas here on how to ensure that your email marketing hits the nail on the head.

Before filling hundreds of email in-boxes with your message and offers, try testing the content with 30 to 50 subscribers. Wait a week for the responses to see if you are approaching the subject in the best way for your intended effect. Hand pick the test subjects, choosing from various age brackets and demographics, if you have this information available to you.

Wordy emails get deleted. It’s as simple as that. Nobody has the time to sit down and read an epistle from you about the intricacies of your business and how you operate. Get to the point and offer them something valuable right off the bat. Condense your message over and over until it is concise, interesting and provocative. Make them want more. This includes the subject line as well as the body of the email. Streamline the subject heading to words that draw attention and make it obvious that there is an offer inside that they must at least read about before hitting that delete button. Just make sure that is does not appear to be spam and you identify who you are as much as you can in a brief subject line. Do not be generic, but offer something specific that distinguishes you from all the other emails they are receiving, potentially from your direct competitors.

With all the social media networking sources available to you, there is no reason to not incorporate them into your email campaign. Provide links and excerpts from your Facebook page and entice readers to go there for more. Have an ongoing blog that provides insights into your products in more personal ways. Tell stories of how your products have helped someone have a better life, or relate interesting and unique ways that other customers have used them.

In addition to more thoughtful emails offering specials or information, try short-burst emails occasionally. Make them fun and exciting to read, but very brief. These take very little time for you to write and for them to read, making them ideal for people on-the-go. This will keep you in the forefront of their mind without overburdening them with excessive content. This would be a good time to add some graphics or a link to a short video. Just make sure that your readers are not required to open attachments or log in to an account just to access features and view images or video.

Use all the resources in your arsenal to make sure that your emails are targeted, informative and relevant to the needs of your clients. With these tips, you can get started today with an effective campaign that produces results.