For some email marketing campaigns you only want emails sent when someone completes a specific action. When this happens you may want to consider hiring a company that will create a triggered email marketing campaign for you. This can be a great way to boost your results.

First off, you need to know what this sort of marketing campaign does. These email campaigns are used to follow up with specific user actions in an attempt to save a sale, or thank someone for signing up for a given feature. You can send a coupon to a customer that has abandoned their cart to see if you can change their mind. Just don’t do this every time so customers don’t come to expect a discount just by abandoning their cart. You could also send someone a birthday card with a special offer to see if you can generate some extra sales.

The same company that does your regular email marketing for can probably also handle your triggered marketing campaign. Just ask your rep for some information about pricing and option. Even though you already have a relationship, don’t be afraid to call around and see if you can get a better deal elsewhere. Each company will use a different set of pricing and options, so find out who has the best deal for what you need.

As with any email campaign, make sure these emails are to the point and short. You are trying to get a quick turn around so you shouldn’t write a long, drawn out plea. Just state your case and maybe add a little something to help sweeten the deal. Don’t forget to thank your customers, they are paying your paycheck after all.

Make sure you clearly identify yourself when you send your emails. If customers believe that they are getting emails from an unrelated third party they will assume you’ve sold their information and stop shopping with you. Always offer to allow people to opt-out of receiving any more emails from you. If you promise not to share any personal information, make sure you keep that promise.

Make sure before you start a campaign that you have clear cut goals. The company you work with should have a good range of what kind of results they have gotten in the past, and you can base your figures on that initially. If they are shy about giving you any kind of response rate you can expect, then you probably don’t want to work with them. Your personal results will vary, however, based on the type of business you are in, and how well you can write the campaign. Over time you will learn what works best and you will start seeing an increase in responses.

Triggered email marketing campaign can be a good way to increase your sales. They can not only help save sales that are abandoned, but they can also bring in returning customers for another purchase. Make sure you plan your campaign out carefully so you can see the best results possible.