Are you using email marketing to communicate with your audience? If yes, you need to go over this article to find out more about common mistakes that should be avoided.

Do not send out unpersonalized emails. If you have a newsletter, your recipients know you are sending mass emails but they will still appreciate it if you use a personalized greeting in your emails. Besides, an email with their name in the subject line will be more noticeable. You could personalize your emails even further by dividing your recipients into different groups in function of their purchasing habits so you can send them some personalized shopping suggestions.

Do not focus on the number of people who subscribe to your email updates. You should instead focus on the number of recipients who actually open your emails and click on the links you shared. Get a quality professional email marketing software and send out your newsletter through this program. You will then have access to details on the number of emails opened. You could also share a unique coupon code in your newsletter and keep track of how many customers redeem it.

Not everything in your newsletter should be an advertisement for your product. Recipients will not open your newsletter if they are not planning on buying a new product. However, they will open your newsletter if they know it is filled with useful content. You should send out some links to your best articles, share some useful tips and fun bits of trivia as well as visual content like pictures and videos. If possible, create fresh content for all your email updates.

Keep in mind that the emails you send influence the way customers perceive your brand. If you send a very unprofessional email, customers will stop taking you seriously. Start by creating a professional email address that contains your full name or the name of your brand. Make sure your real name or your brand appears as the sender and add a signature with your phone number and a link to your site. Always proofread your emails and use appropriate greetings and salutations in your messages. Before you send out your monthly newsletter, test all the links and make sure the attached files are properly uploaded.

You will probably receive emails from unsatisfied customers. Do not get into arguments with people or ignore them. You need to deal with these customers in a professional manner and adopt an excellent policy for your customer service unless you want to get a bad reputation. If you receive a complaint, ask the customers to give you as many details as possible so you can prevent this issue from occurring again and refund their money. If you can, send out an additional free product or a gift card to increase your chances of keeping this person as a customer.

Avoid these email marketing mistakes and keep track of your results to get an idea of the impact your campaign has. Do not neglect other methods of communication such as phone calls or social networks.